Monday, April 25, 2011

The Numbers Have It

My baby is 8 months old today.
The oldest "baby" will be 5 years old in 3 weeks 5 days.
The eldest girl child is 3 years, 3 months, 7 days.
Spent 1 hour picking children up from preschool today.
I will spend 6 hours teaching piano this week.
5 diaper changes so far.
2 tantrums, 3 time outs.
My last solo piano recital was 6.5 years ago.
I have been pregnant 4 times.
I spent 6 years of my life in music school.
2 loads of laundry so far today.
3 more to go.
1 trip to the grocery store.
I have been pregnant or nursing for 5.16 years of my life.
A 15 minute shower.
2 naps (sadly, not for me).
Performed in Bates Recital Hall 1 time, Jessen Hall 3 times.
4 trips to other countries.
5 ER visits with children.
There are only 24 hours in a day.
6 hours of consecutive sleep would be nice.
I am 34 years old.
I went to Disneyworld 12 and 29 years ago.
My mom is 31 years older than me.
I am 31 and 33 years older than my daughters.
Sean is 9 months younger than me.
10 years of marriage sounds like a long time. It really isn't.
4 more months until the start of kindergarten.

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