Georgia is 6 months old! I am very grateful that the newborn days are well in the past, but at the same time, how is she this old already?? I hope my second born baby knows how much I love her, even though I spend most of my day trying to keep Daniel from tearing the house apart. Sometimes it seems like she's a little monkey hanging onto my shoulder, just along for the ride. I hope she doesn't feel ignored just because I can't spend hours and hours mooning into her eyes and giving her oodles of undivided attention.
And of course, it was affirmed today at the pediatrician's office that yes, she is the world's smallest baby. And yes, I've had my fill of all the comments that come with the territory. Like, "Oh my, all of my children weighed more at birth than she does now!" Or, "She's smaller than my 3 week old!" Or, "Look at the tiny baby ya'll! I've never seen one so tiny!" Yeah, okay, she's a peanut. She may be the size of your supersized newborn, but I'll tell you one thing. I'd much rather give birth to a 6 pound baby than a giganto 11 pound superbaby. And one other thing- can your 11 pound baby sit up on their own? I think not.