Thursday, May 21, 2009

Birthday Boy!

Yes, today was the day that my little guy entered the world. I was thinking that I should wax philosophical and get all mushy and stuff.... But you know what? Three doesn't feel like a very mushy philosophical stage to me. It feels pretty rowdy and rough and tumble! So, here are some things that Daniel has done lately that have made me laugh, made me proud, or just made me scratch my head and say Hmmm....

  • Sang happy birthday to a pizza pan this morning
  • Georgia: "Wahhhhh!!!!! Daniel: "Its okay, don't cry. Its hard being a baby."
  • Peed on a tree and pooped in the woods for the very first time. It was quite a state park visit!
  • Randomly said "I love you mommy" when driving in the car yesterday.
  • Didn't kill his sister when they rode side by side in the race car grocery cart at HEB this week.
  • Helped me bake muffins yesterday.
  • Learned how to play "Three Blind Mice" on the piano (okay, just the first three notes....but still!)
Happy Birthday Mr. Daniel!


sarah. said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy Daniel!!!

Unknown said...

Woohoo! Happy birthday Daniel. It's always nice when the siblings don't kill each other when they're in the grocery cart together.