Friday, August 8, 2008

The latest

So after starting this little blog, I haven't really written too much. I always have things on my mind that I want to say, but somehow they never really make it onto the page.

This past weekend was a mix of good and bad. Good because I got to hang out with one of my oldest and dearest friends who lives across the pond. I always feel that the sign of a real friend is when you can just pick up where you left off, even if you haven't seen each other in quite a while. You just jump right back into the rhythm of your friendship. We did a lot of swimming, snacking, playing with the kids. Oh yeah, and that ridiculously expensive sushi outing. Yum.... it was totally worth every penny. And I'm now a convert to sake.

However, during this lovely weekend visit, my hubby got horribly sick and so we ended up spending many many many hours in the ER. You know how it goes.... Its Sunday (of course), you're out of town (of course). And then some horrible illness hits and what else can you do but go sit and wait with the masses in the emergency room waiting area. For a million years. Actually we were seen fairly quickly, and after some initially harrowing moments, he improved quite a bit. But I ended up staying til 2 something in the morning and he didn't get to leave until 7AM. It was a very very long night. I will say this, though. I don't know how they do it, but those nurses are unbelievably cheery day and night. They were perky, friendly and chatty, even while everyone else in the ER was screaming, crying, and tired. It would have been even more hellacious without them.

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