Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I'm not sure who this day is ultimately more important for, Daniel or me. Because today, my friends, the little man pooped in the potty all by himself!!! Now, for some of you, this may seem like a sad commentary on the level of excitement in my life. But for those of you who have changed the dirty diaper of a 35 pound toddler, you know just how exciting this is. And he did it with no prompting, no bribery, no cajoling. I've been going with a new potty tactic today: let him do it all by himself. Though it may cause a lot of nail biting and white-knuckle moments for mom, it seems to be working. Today, like a lot of days around here, has been a pants free day. For the toddler, not me. But with a new twist. Instead of following him around the house constantly (and annoying him, probably), I just told him "If you have to go, just go sit on the potty", left the bathroom door open, and left it at that. And shortly after lunch, I heard him say to himself "Daniel needs to go potty" and lo and behold, he went into the bathroom to make his "deposit". I was flabbergasted! Up to this point, I've not been particularly sure whether we were really potty training or not, or even if he was ready for potty training. Guess that question is answered now. Wish us luck as we forge ahead!

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