Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Things

Since I didn't chronicle my daughter's first birthday for you all, I'm going to list instead some cool new things that she can do.

-Walking! She's getting braver and has even walked halfway across the kitchen.
-Standing alone. She does this all the time and is getting good at it.
-Gives kisses and hugs. It started with giving kisses to her doll and now she does it with Mom, Dad, and Daniel too!
-Makes animal sounds, with minimal prompting. She does a mean impression of cows, cats, and dogs.
-Now, I'm not sure how to label the next one but this is what she did: She put the pacifier back in the baby's mouth, then patted her own chest and put her pacifier in her own mouth.
-Shaking her head no and yes
-Drinks well from an open cup. Even cups without handles! She does it so well that I can even leave the cup on her tray and she'll drink from it throughout the meal and usually doesn't dump it on her head instead.
-"Brushes" her hair and pretends to put bows and hair bands in it.

I'm sure there are more things to list, but I don't want to bore all of you out there with too much stuff. I just wanted to jot down some of these things for myself so I don't forget how much fun this age is!

1 comment:

sarah. said...

She sounds adorable :)